Madison Bailey next to her favorite beauty products


“Outer Banks” Is The Best Thing That’s Ever Happened to Madison Bailey’s Skin

The actor opened up about her relationship with beauty, and how she's adjusting to life in 2020.

by Lauren Rearick

Madison Bailey is learning to adapt. The past few months have been filled with change for everyone, and in a world where masks are now the norm, she's switching up everything, even her usual beauty routine. Gone are the days in which Bailey relied on lipstick and foundation, and as she explained to NYLON, one of her newest roles has her shifting the focus to eyebrows.

Appearing in a new collaborative video for Schick Hydro Silk, Bailey teamed up with body language expert Blanca Cobb to share the secrets on perfect brows, and communicating in a mask-filled society. "We have a limited resource of communication now for nonverbal communication," Bailey explained of her involvement. "This cute video is all about communicating and learning new ways to move your eyebrows."

Tips on eyebrow movement and grooming aside, Bailey also opened up about looking after herself in a time of continued stressors. After previously discussing her struggles with mental illness in the Hi, Anxiety video series, Bailey is further opening up, discussing how she's practiced self-care. Along with her support for bubble baths and journaling, Bailey chatted with NYLON about her biggest beauty mistakes, the surprising way that Outer Banks helps out her skincare routine, and why she believes in your every beauty whim.

Courtesy of Madison Bailey

What's your relationship with beauty like, and what role does it play in your life?

It plays a very important role, because I'm always on-camera. That's my whole job, and it's important to feel comfortable in front of the camera. I always feel better on the inside when I'm looking better on the outside. I have a pretty open beauty relationship, and my beauty routine changes very frequently. I don't just stick to what I know. Sometimes, I like a lot of makeup, sometimes I'll get really into skincare, and then sometimes, I'll loosen up on my routine. It's really all over the place.

Do you have any favorite products or brands that you're always into using?

One of my favorite brands is Glossier. I love how natural the products look, and that it really enhances what you already have, versus covering a bunch of stuff up. A new brand that I really like is Rare Beauty from Selena Gomez.

Looking back, have you ever tried something with your beauty routine that you'd later regret? I've tried having bangs 20 times, and every time I do, I'm like, 'I shouldn't have done this.'

I had bangs one time, and I think we can just buy a little clip-in extension, and that'll resist the next urge. My eyebrows have seen a lot over the years. Anytime I look at old pictures, I feel like I could look at my eyebrows a month ago, and be like, 'Why? Why did that happen?' I will only ever like my brows right now.

What's your secret to having the best brows?

I think the secret is to keep it as natural as possible. Don't go crazy, don't over pluck them, and don't wax them too much. A little bit goes a long way, and a little bit, always looks the best.

Do you think your relationship with beauty has changed at all during quarantine?

Absolutely. A full face does not exist anymore. I'm not putting on foundation, because it's going to get in my mask, and then I'm going to have to wash it. No lipstick. Eyebrows and mascara are my go-to's, which is the whole point of the Hydro Silk video that we did. It's all about your eyebrows, and now, it's the perfect time to have perfect eyebrows, since we're all communicating from the mask up.

In what ways have you been looking after your mental health during quarantine?

My biggest advice for taking care of yourself during all this is to give yourself all of the love and TLC. Have at-home spa days. You can never invest too much time in yourself right now. Be selfish. Eat what feels good, do what feels good, wear what feels good. Don't force yourself out of whatever you're feeling.

What sort of self-care routine do you have?

I love bubble baths. I like writing down my feelings. I've been using Postmates a lot. It's been a great anxiety relief during quarantine to not put too much pressure on myself to be like, 'Well I'm home, I should cook.'

Now that you're back on set, does your beauty routine differ at all from when you were at home?

I don't really wear makeup on Outer Banks too much. I wear a little concealer where I need it, and clear brow gel, and that's seriously it. I don't wear anything on my eyes and I wear chapstick on my lips, so my skin gets a solid five months to breathe completely. Typically, on the weekends, I'm regaining my energy and resting, so I'm not doing my makeup too much. This is the half of the year where I wear the least amount of makeup.

What advice would you give someone when it comes to trying out new things with their beauty routine?

It's always fun to experiment, and you never know if you're going to love something, if you never try it. You can absolutely pull off anything. Give it a try, and see how you like it. Try a new style, a new product. Be open minded.

I love this. Be open minded, except when it comes to bangs.

Yeah, buy the clip-in extensions. It's worth it.